When my children were born, I had already figured out that my family was dysfunctional at best so I wanted to mother in radically different ways from what I had experienced in my “childhood” (for want of a better word). Really though, the sense of entitlement and innate dishonesty fostered in children in our culture is pretty pervasive so I really did have to look quite far afield in order to find ways to bring light, peace and love to my own children’s lives…. I was forced to turn all the way to Allah in fact!


And as usual, when you call upon Him with an untamed heart and a spirit determined to leave the world quite completely in order to walk in His ways, the answer to your prayer is quite breath-taking!

” He replied, ‘Nay, but your souls have embellished to you this thing. So now comely patience is good for me. May be Allah will bring them all to me; for He is the All-Knowing, the Wise…. ‘I only complain of my sorrow and my grief to Allah’…” (Sūrah Yūsuf, vv. 84, 87)”

He gave me the insight and strength to turn away from the evil surrounding my little family and He guided me to all the different sorts of mothering/ homeschooling materials, styles, practices, people, miracles and dreams that I needed: to learn as much as to teach; to heal as much as to succour; to persevere as well as to be patient; to know that All is Well and we are all before His eyes.

Most of all I learnt to trust the beauty and resilience of every child’s soul – God-gifted superpowers and the potential to grow into the kind of heroism that really can be part of the dawn of a new world!😊14420484242741950534167


  1. You are wise and observant to have realized that you are receiving help from Spirit, from the ONE who answers when you call the name, Allah. You are blessed to recognize that it is so and will continue to receive the help you both need and deserve. And thanks for being a good mother.

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